
Above all, we believe in transparency. EVERY Burial Insurance policy is approved and state-regulated. In fact, life insurance policies, in general, MUST be approved by state insurance divisions before they are offered to the residence of that state.

What we offer that is different from ALL of our competitors is the LATEST approved State Regulated Burial Plans. Overall, these are the programs that have the combination of the best features, best price and usually can be activated in minutes.

We are not affiliated with any Government program, these plans are not free!! However, these are the best priced plans on the market that are the latest that are approved by your state.

When working with State Senior Benefits you will only be matched up with the best and the latest approved state-regulated burial plans.

We offer the top 20 of the newest plans that you may qualify for. It’s important to know which one that you do qualify for as this will determine your price.

You can rest assure that these programs that we offer are approved by your state and are the lowest cost options on the market.