South Carolina State Regulated Burial Plans

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The Total End Of Life Costs In South Carolina $20,615

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  • Average funeral expenses: $7,445
  • Average end-of-life medical costs: $13,170
  • There’s no estate tax or inheritance tax.

Did you know?

South Carolina was the eighth state to ratify the constitution on May 23, 1788.  In 1861, South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union. In 1861 the Civil War began as South Carolina troops fired the first shots on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. The city of Charleston is a historically important city. It was the largest slave port in the United States. The slave trade actually made South Carolina the only state with the largest African American majority population. The civil war began in this city which brings a lot of attention. Of course today it is known for much nicer reasons. The architecture and art scenes being a large part of them.